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Would you ever buy someone residential business?

Discussion in 'Residental Window Cleaning' started by Jeff Parks, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Jeff Parks

    Jeff Parks Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Dec 7, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Recently I received an email from a local window cleaner who is selling his residential business along with tools and equipment. I have always felt strongly against buying someone's residential business because it seems like all you are buying is a list of names on a piece of paper. He told me its about 25k in residential work a year and his asking price isn't that far out of the ballpark which is why I'm considering it. There is a part of me that says just go pick up the work yourself since they will have to find a new window cleaner anyway right?

    Any thoughts appreciated...
  2. Dandjob

    Dandjob New Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Window Guru
    Phoenix, AZ
    Overall, doing the legwork yourself will not only be more profitable but also gives a much better rapport with customers. You're never going to do things exactly like the other guy, which can be among the reasons that the list you buy will get smaller almost immediately. While it gets customers right away, I would shy away from it. Just been my experience. You can always build your own customer base and save some money, depends on what your reason for buying is.
  3. SQcleaner

    SQcleaner Member

    May 8, 2015
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    Of course to check out their business and to see how they are doing, my methods in everything are pretty advanced and better than my competitions because I've actually bought all of theirs and checked out how they are doing and came out with my own ideas. You should always shoot for this

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