1. Squeegee World is a brand new forum for the Window Cleaning Industry and we are currently looking for volunteer Moderators to help jump start this new forum. This forum is started by Cleaners for Cleaners.

    We are currently looking for new Moderators and Contributors to this new Window Cleaning Forum.

    SqueegeeWorld is a NEW FORUM and offers the following:

    • Free Classifieds Buy/Sell/Trade Window Cleaning Equipment
    • Marketing & Advertising Techniques
    • Managing a Window Cleaning Business
    • All types of Window Cleaning Topics
    • And much more to come

    ps:...All new users who sign up and create 100+ posts will receive FREE SEO Do-Follow Backlinks & able to Sell in the classifieds at no cost for a lifetime.

Window cleaning franchise

Discussion in 'Managing Your Business' started by benny, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. benny

    benny New Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Making plan to buy Window cleaning franchise. Has anyone where ever brought franchise here? How to earns and how to maintain it, suggest me guys. Healthy and safety business is needed
    skip likes this.
  2. skip

    skip New Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    To enlarge business you need to have fixed business plan. If you want to carry Windows cleaning business, then you should plan with experts those who have experience about it.
  3. SpicAndSpanShawn

    SpicAndSpanShawn Member

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Often I see people asking questions here about their business or products or anything related to window cleaning. Though I'd highly suggest that you keep in mind that we have to take different perspectives because the outcome may not always be the same since it's just depends on what your situation is. Share us your situation and plans next time so we can give you better advice. Tell us about your business and the direction you are planning to go and about the customers you'd want to target.

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